During a camping trip, there are always some challenges or unexpected issues happening. While they are probably no matter to young ones, as an elderly, you might feel they’re worse. To avoid bad outdoor experiences, follow our top camping tips for older people.
Think About Camping In A Recreational Vehicle
It’s because a recreational vehicle cuts off the annoyance of preparation and other stuff of tent camping while still giving you a wonderful outdoor experience and enjoying nature. You don’t have to pack and unpack things, carry stuff on your back, or set up a tent when you arrive.
A big bonus is that most recreational vehicles come with a bed, pillows, mattress, and blankets (or, you can bring yours along the trip) for a warmer, more comfortable night’s slumber.
Don’t worry if you have no RV because these days, it is very easy and affordable to rent one.
Tent Camping Tips For Older People
If you still love to go camping and sleep in a tent, choosing the right tent is very important.
Aside from following the tent requirements of the campsite where you intend to go, there are four factors to consider:
Ventilation – A camping tent with large windows brings good ventilation, therefore, you won’t feel claustrophobic when in a small, close space
Tent size – Make sure its interior is large enough for you and your packing. Consider a larger tent with separate rooms for different activities, such as reading.
High ceiling – To prevent you from bending down to walk around inside the tent, which might hurt your back and neck. Additionally, a camping tent with a higher ceiling will fit the height of your mattress well.
Tent material – Opt for a high-quality nylon tent instead of a canvas because it’s lightweight and easy to install/uninstall.
Bring Some Tarps
Packing extra tarps is always necessary as a backup plan if the weather suddenly turns bad. Otherwise, hanging tarps above your tent provides extra shade for comfort or spreading them inside the tent during heavy rains prevents water from sipping in.
Long story shorts, they will come in handy in different unexpected situations.
Bring at least two tarps.
Campgrounds For Adults Only
They are a tent camping site for 18+ campers only and have a lot of extra conveniences. For example, golf courses, game rooms, lounges, and recreational vehicle hook-ups.
The best part is they have special amenities for 60+ campers. You won’t feel lonely here because there are a lot of older people who might have the same hobbies or interests as you to start conversations with.
Choose A Campsite That You Can Park Your Rv/Car Nearby
So, you don’t have to take long walks to a camping spot. This saves your back, neck, and shoulders from carrying bulky and heavy gear.
It’d be better if that campsite has certain food storage policies that you can store your provisions there.
By parking your car/RV near to the campsite, all you need to do is unload your stuff.
Bring Your First Aid Kit
Always check with your doctor before any camping trip to make sure your health status is good enough to join it, especially if you have any ongoing medical conditions.
Remember to pack your medicines and follow your usual regime during the trip.
Besides, bring sunscreen, bug repellant, bandages, painkillers, sting relief cream, and plasters to treat common sickness.
How to deal
Headaches, pains, and aches
Tylenol or advil
Cortisone cream
Outdoor activities are an inevitable part of any camping trip.
For older people, you should go for those that don’t require too much strength and energy.
Considering your physical health status and duration, you can try jogging, trekking, kayaking, or bird watching.
There commonly is a special diet for older people, which might be significantly different from the young ones.
From that point, when preparing camping meals, you should make your own menu. Keep it as simple and easy to prepare as possible. Make sure these foods are low-sugar, low-fat, and low-salt.
Bring more fruits and veggies.
Mattress, Blanket, And Pillows
For older campers, the demand for getting comfort during night’s slumber is higher. Therefore, we highly recommend bringing your mattress, pillows, and blanket.
If you are going to buy new ones, consider an air mattress because it’s comfortable, quick to inflate, and compact after deflating.
Other Tips
There might be a lot of less-critical issues happening during your camping trip, and here is how to deal with each of them:
Feel too cold at night – put on a warm hat, bring a hot water bottle to sleep with you, wear thick socks to bed
Noise from night insects and animals, like prowling zombies, frogs, and crickets – wear ear plugs
Feel too hot – bring a high-quality battery-powered fan
Besides, always make sure other members of your camping group know where you’re going to be. Bring a phone and a flashlight with you for emergencies.
With the top camping tips for older people as listed above, we hope your next camping trips are more comfortable and joyful. If you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section down below.